Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Raped on Daughter's Day !

August 11th was Daughter's Day.But for Meena Singh (12,name changed),the relationship with her "father" is nothing short of a nighmare.
Her father Motilal (38) was arrested on saturday night for raping her over THREE YEARS !!!
Motilal has been beating his wife Lata over the same period and after he finished with her, he would lock himself in a room with Meera, on the pretext of staying away from Lata and then rape her, disclosed police officials.
"Motilal would threaten to beat her if she told her mother about the rape.But on Saturday morning , Lataescaped from the room, while he was molesting her and ran out of the house. Her neighbours hauled Motilal off to police,"said an investigation officer.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Live rather than exist !

Why help anyone ?

I help people because it gives me a mental satisfaction & a great feeling.Sometimes u unknowingly help people & sometimes intentionally
at times u also help those people who u hate or love the most..! when ever u help anyone...Ur past sins get cancelled out..isn't it cool ? but that is not the reason y i help people,the feeling should be natural but not just for the sake of doing it.

I always feel that we should help old age homes,orphan ages or mentally/physically challenged people because those people really need help.We spend r money on so many unnecessary things..but never think of those people who r less fortunate than us..whenever we go to any mall we spend atleast 500-1000 rs..or even more than that..but for one day if we try to control r self n give that money to any old age home,orphan age or mentally/physically people we can bring a SMILE :) on those faces which have forgotten to smile.
It is not possible for me to do donate money to any of the trusts because i don't earn & i don want to help anyone with my parents money because whenevery i help anyone it should c0mpletely come from my side : ) but the day i'll start earning some amount from my salary will surely to go some trust : ) !